Center for Composite Materials - University of Delaware

35th Anniversary


UD-CCM celebrated its 35th Anniversary on September 14, 2009 during the
The First Joint Canadian American Technical Conference 

American Society for Composites and the Canadian Association for Composite Structures and Materials

CCM 35th Anniversary Events
The following provides a brief overview of some of the events held in conjunction with CCM’s 35th anniversary celebration.

  • On September 14th, an afternoon reception was held at the Composites Manufacturing Science Laboratory. This was an ideal opportunity for participants to reconnect with fellow alumni and friends, faculty, and professional staff members as well as to network.  A CCM overview and tours of our labs, all of which have been renovated over the past five years, were held.  A poster session was also held to provide a forum to learn more about our research activities and meet the current group of CCM alums.
  • A symposium honoring Professor Tsu-Wei Chou for his 40 years of service to the University and his pioneering contributions to composites science and technology during that period was held on September 15th during the ASC Conference, which included invited presentations by international experts in the field of composites science.
  • As a special event of the Technical Conference, CCM presented the Medal of Excellence in Composites at the ASC Conference banquet on September 16th.  The medal recognizes those who have maintained and demonstrated scholarly endeavor, invention, and/or economic enterprise over a sustained period of time, in relation to the field of composites. Established in 1984 in conjunction with the Decennial Celebration of the Center for Composite Materials, this award has been bestowed upon 25 outstanding leaders in composites in its 25-year history.

The 2009 Medal of Excellence Winners were:

Prof. Tsu-Wei Chou, Pierre S. du Pont Chair of Engineering at the University of Delaware &
Prof. Anoush Poursartip, Department of Materials Engineering at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada


Click HERE to view our 35th Anniversary Commemorative newsletter,
which features video interviews with three of CCM’s founding fathers:
Professor Tsu-Wei Chou, Professor Byron Pipes, & Professor Jack Vinson

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