FY 2014 Financial Report
During FY 2014, CCM posted another solid performance with $11.7M of research expenditures. Large, multiple year contracts, with the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and Tank Automotive Research and Development Center (TACOM), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and the Defense Advance Research Project Agency (DARPA), continued to provide a stable platform for growth. These contracts include a new DARPA health science initiative in the use of composites for orthotics for wounded warriors and an ARL Cooperative Agreement as part of the Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environments (MEDE) Consortium Collaborative Research Alliance (CRA), both executed in 2012.

Continuing long term research projects, augmented by various new projects, also enabled the Center to maintain its portfolio of high-value, high-quality, basic and applied research programs and leverage many of these programs to meet the needs of corporate and government sponsors. In addition to four Army and Navy Centers of Excellence contracts and other government contracts and grants, significant sources of funding include industry through SBIRs, STTRs, and contracts and agreements as well as the State of Delaware. New STTRs and SBIRs stemming from work associated with large, multi-year programs not only provide funding for CCM but also validate the importance of these programs in leveraging ongoing research to provide opportunities for small business involvement. CCM teamed with small businesses to submit 11 proposals, of which 4, with total awards exceeding $200K, were accepted. At year-end, awards totaled more than $113M with corresponding expenditures at $48M. The distribution of expenditures against these funding sources was 61% Federal, 16% industry, and 23% State and University. Industry gift funds through the consortium continue to provide funding for exploratory projects, leading to industry/University partnerships for research and development, and technology transfer initiatives. 39 companies participated in CCM’s Industrial Consortium, including 28 companies incorporated in Delaware. Numerous businesses benefited from unfunded consultations, collaborations, and technology developments communicated through invitations to research reviews, meetings, workshops, symposia, and monthly CCM newsletters.

CCM supported a large number of people across the University of Delaware campus. Affiliated Faculty and students (37 graduate students) participating in CCM projects and operations represented four colleges and ten departments. More than 250 researchers, consisting of a balanced mix of faculty, scientists, engineers and students, supported by 11 administrative personnel, worked on more than 194 projects (including large multi-year awards with stand-alone projects).
As a soft-funded research center UD-CCM has a significant economic impact on the State of Delaware and geographically contiguous areas. The Center spends over $6M annually in salaries, which include high technology positions for scientists, engineers, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, and administrative staff. These positions are fully funded by research contracts and grants and would not exist otherwise.

CCM continued to be a major contributor to College of Engineering and University of Delaware research expenditures, maintaining a leadership role in funding. Center funding currently makes up approximately 18% of the research expenditures of the College and typically averages about 6-7% of the University’s total for sponsored research.